Walo Storage
Stockage & PV – Sénégal
First major storage project in Africa

Urgent need to stabilize the grid, due to the high share of renewable production in the energy mix.
The project will increase the current spinning reserve by 40% and will provide additional services such as frequency control, island functioning and Black-Start capability.
Battery storage is technically and economically more competitive than conventional spinning reserve technologies.
Combining photovoltaic solar with a storage system is a unique solution to meet the current and future needs of the grid.
Characteristics of the project
- Project : 10MW / 20MWh Battery storage + 16 MW of solar energy
- Location : Bokhol, Senegal
- Batteries: Lithium-ion
- Technologies : Monocrystalline modules / Single-axis tracker system / String inverters
- Off-take : 20-year take-or-pay PPP with Senelec
- Construction : 12 months
- Commissioning : 2025
- Technical partner : Eiffage Energie Systèmes RMT
The impact of Walo Storage
In order to complement and intensify our local impact, Walo Storage is committed to :
Build three mini-solar power stations to supply the pumping stations dedicated to farmers.
Provide the municipality of Bokhol with a commercial vehicle.
Create a track enabling farmers and stockbreeders to reach the agricultural zone.
Assist the commune in its electrification process.
Promote the hiring of local workers.
Provide an annual support to the communities: medicines, school supplies, building social infrastructure, etc.
The community’s involvement and adhesion are reinforced by the actions already carried out within the Senergy 2 project, located in the immediate vicinity of Walo Storage.
The actions carried out during the construction of the project and during the 20 years of operation will be monitored by a Committee that brings together all local stakeholders to ensure total transparency on the commitments made.
The summary of the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) for Walo Storage is available: Summary EIES Walo Storage
On top of Africa REN Grievance Mechanism (in « Contact us »), any person affected by the project and willing to obtain additional information regarding FMO’s Independent Complaints Mechanism can get information on: